Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fox glove enquiries.............?

hello i was wondering where i could get fox glove seeds... i live in Northern ireland and saw the display on the Chelsea flower show.. we run a 5 star caravan park and thought they would look wonderful at the entrance to reception......

i have Paypal so i can pay straight away so if you feel you would like to help me out then please get in touch.xx thanks liz..
Fox glove enquiries.............? has them. They are biennial so they will not bloom from seed this year. I would go out and buy a few plants to bloom this year and then plant my seeds for next year. Some of mine self seed a bit from yr to yr but don't enough to keep them going. I scatter a bit of seed each year to ensure next yrs flowers.
Reply:You should be able to buy the seeds locally, lots of supermarkets have seeds on sale at the moment as do Woolworths, failing that your local garden centre will have them as well as ready grown plants. The latin name is Digitalis and they are most suited to semi shade as they naturally occur in woodlands. Happy growing.
Reply:Best thing would be to ask around or go to the many bring and buy sales at this time of year, and get the actual root and foilage. They will cost nearly nothing and when planted you will get a good show this year. Also, the Hospice shop in Ballymena sells them,potted up, very cheaply.
Reply:Foxgloves take a year to flower, so seeds will not flower untill next year? Therefore to colonise your garden with these beautiful plants, buy ready grown plants to plant into your garden now. They will self seed in the autumn and you will have foxgloves for years after.
Reply:If you know any one in British Columbia, in the north, on the coast they grow wild.The wild plants are stronger then greenhouse.
Reply:Try Proven Winners website, or Wayside Gardens website. Those should have seed or links to other sites that do.
Reply:do you have a wlkinsons they sell seeds i got some .they are ready to put in ground.

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