Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ladies>> Roses, Carnations, or Lillies ??

A "just because" flowers show up at your home or work from someone you have been seeing. You both are enjoying each other and the "passion" is doing well. Soooo, your favorite flowers would be???
Ladies%26gt;%26gt; Roses, Carnations, or Lillies ??
A mixture of Red roses and white calla lillies. If you're not in a relationship and just recently met this girl, pinkish tiger lilies or pink or white peonies...would be more appropriate.

Any girl is going to appreciate any kind of flower (except for maybe carnations)
Reply:Yellow roses not mixed coloured roses.
Reply:I like all of them. I think that roses should be used for special events. And the other two would be" just because" flowers. To me roses are about the love, and if they are given all of the time, i feel that it tends to ruin the feelings. the other two, are beautiful and could be given every day. they both have a scent about them. I am not sure of what it is but, it kind of reminds me of a spice.
Reply:get them would be very nice
Reply:Red roses are common. I would do yellow or pink roses or a mix of different flowers. Carnations remind me of the prom thanks.
Reply:white roses
Reply:Roses and Orchids with Babybreath
Reply:Lilies or Roses. Carnations remind me of death.
Reply:Roses or carnations - definitely no t lilies.

Lilies have pollen that is poisonous to animals.

Lilies have pollen that stains fabtic.

Lilies are synonamous with death.
Reply:roses definately.
Reply:Lilies...they are sweet and simple plus they are my fave flower!

Reply:Orchids preferably pink ;)

Heres a star!
Reply:roses all the way! roses are the flowers that represent love.
Reply:If you are passionate I wouldn't say carnations...they just seem cheap. Roses are typical. Lilies are beautiful, interesting and they smell incredible (get the Stargazer ones for the wonderful smell).
Reply:chocolates %26amp; ROSES :)
Reply:roses....all diff colors....ur choice
Reply:yellow and red roses.

or white and red.

they both go really well together and they're pretty.
Reply:What about tulips? You didn't mention them..

If I had to pick out of those three - lillies..everyone does the rose thing, it's not original. Carnations remind me of funerals (sorry)
Reply:roses or carnations or both together.
Reply:Lillies remind me of death and funerals...

A mix of colorful roses is always nice, if it is early in the relationship avoid the traditional reds..

Something realy cool would be one of the new edible arrangements that everyone at her work gets to enjoy (if she shares)...These are fruit baskets with floral shapes, dipped in chocolate and yummy as hell. You can check them out at

one of my co-workers received one of these and it was awesome. I have since bought quite a few to send. The fruit is so darn good.
Reply:lilies, they make you think that the person that brought them really cares and put some thought in it, carnations suck, and roses, you can pick them up off of any street corner
Reply:Lillies. It's away from the norm of roses and carnations are just a friendship thing.
Reply:A mixture of them... It would be nice
Reply:Roses are so romantic and most girls love them!
Reply:roses are pretty, but I think getting any kind of flowers would be nice
Reply:roses get cliche... i've always loved lillies =)
Reply:the ladies hate you man there not gonna answer....

What to say when someone you know has suffered a miscarriage..?

Recently someone decided that it would be fun to poke mockery (on Yahoo Answers) of the death of our son, Zachary that we tragically lost on Aug. 2, 2006 (second trimester loss), to see the post go here;...

I thought it would be important to post what to say to someone who has endured the pain of a miscarriage..

Things you should say

Do call her and tell her you are sorry for her loss.

Do send her a card or flowers to show you care

Do let her talk as much as she needs to or wants to.

Do give her a hug to let her know you care.

Do offer to help with housework, babysitting or other things that she may not feel up to doing.

Do acknowledge her baby.

It is okay to say I don’t know what to say or I don’t know how to help.

Do call and check up on her. The pain does not go away in a couple days.

So with that posted what else do you think would be appropiate?
What to say when someone you know has suffered a miscarriage..?
Act like she just had a baby and lost it at birth, because in many ways, she did.

Her body is going thru hormone withdrawals (from a pregnant state to a "normal" state) and we all know how hormones alone can make someone emotional.

Plus, she just lost her child, she's afraid, what will happen NEXT TIME?

Can I chance it?

Will it be fair to take the chance?

Some women won't want to talk yet, so just "be there" as "moral support." Say, make dinner and take over or have two or three friends who can pick days to do it for say a week or two, not that she can't, but to let her know your THERE. Not being alone in the world when grieving is so important, even if you don't use them.

Drop her a note in the mail or a "sunny card." Even if she lives in town.

In other words, just be a true friend.

(I have 6 sisters, one alone had 3 miscarriages before having her first of 2 children).
Reply:First off, I would like to say that I am sorry for your loss. It is hard to say anything. A friend of mine lost her baby and we were pregnant at the same time (she was further along) and I didnt know what to say, I felt uncomftorable talking about my pregnancy because I didnt want to make her sad. I just let her know that I was always there for her. I dont see how anyone could think it is funny. I also think that if someone needs space and doesnt want to talk about it, you shouldnt push it. Just let them know that you will be there when they are ready.
Reply:sometimes the best thing to say is nothing.If the person is hurting and reacting badly,it's best to just listen.You may say exactly what they do not want to hear and this is very bad.Just give hugs but don't say anything.
Reply:Sometimes the best thing to do is not to say much of anything, except that you are there for the family as a friend to talk or to do whatever else is needed. I'm sure they don't want your sympathy or you telling them that you're sorry. It's just like reliving it all over again whenever someone says something to you about it. I personally think it would just be harder to hear people come up to me and tell me that they were sorry or that it's ok because you can have another child (which someone did to a friend of mine). I know it will never truly go away and get better and no future child can ever replace the one you lost. It's just nice to have friends that will help you out and maybe help you get your mind off of things, at least for a little while.
Reply:Say "Better luck next time!"
Reply:Ask her out for coffee once she is feeling up to it.

Ask her if she would like to be around your kids or if it's too painful but don't ask her to babysit.

If you share her faith, encourage her to come to services and pray with her privately.

If you do not share her faith, you may still pray but do not mention it to her. This is not the time to witness.

If you have been through a similar experience, let her know but don't dwell on your own pain. It's her turn to grieve.

Let her yell at you if she needs to; anger is normal and she has nowhere to go with it.

Give her the freedom to grieve in her own way. Some women will cry a lot, others will become glued to the tv.

Don't let yourself drift away from her. She will likely withdraw but it's when she needs friends the most.

All these are written for the mother but it is important to realize that the father is grieving as well.
Reply:i totaly agree with you, i had a miscarriage and i know how devastating it is, and im sorry about your loss
Reply:Thank you so much for the info. It must be terrible for you right now. I have a 21 mo son, and I honestly don't know how I would cope if anything ever happened to him. I am truly sad for you, and am grateful to Heaven that you are finding ways to manage your grief that also help others understand how this affects a woman. God bless you in your mourning, and God keep your beautiful Zachary safe till you see him again in Heaven.
Reply:I think you said it very well and I'm deeply sorry for your loss. You have my deepest empathy. Read below link so you'll know my prayers are truly with you.;...
Reply:You don't have to say anything, You just have to be there.
Reply:I am sorry for both of your losses

.There is not much more to say.

Your thoughtfulness and support would be the best thing for her
Reply:I lost my husband 2 weeks ago. There is nothing anybody can say that will make you feel better. People make offers to help if you need it, but you probably don't know what anybody could do. For me, it is easier when people say, "What are you doing?" instead of "How". A simple "I'm sorry for your loss" and a great big hug. And, keep calling to check on them, don't forget them after a couple of weeks. At first, time makes it harder not easier.
Reply:12 yrs ago, I suffered a miscarriage...I was 14 wks at that took me a while to get over it, but I was able to let go....I became pregnant again shortly after that....I was able to carry it for 19 wks %26amp; lost that one as well....I got pregnant again a few months later %26amp; lost my twin girls....this time I was 26 wks along. I was devestated. Stephany %26amp; Kalie were supposed to be here with me....

I had a good support system...My Ex Husband was there for well Family...%26amp; a few friends....BUT...mentally I wasnt there....I lost what I considered to be the only chance I was ever going to have to be a Mother. I locked myself into my room %26amp;....stopped talking to friends %26amp; wouldnt even communicate with my Ex Husband...I thought it was my fault.

I gave birth to 2 stillborn baby girls...I blamed myself although I did nothing that caused it....Apperantly, both girls were Downs Syndrome babies, which doesnt matter to me...they are my girls.

Alot of people frown upon the fact that 3 wks after I was at a BBQ at a friends house....alot of that time was spent playing the "what if" game.....which kind of helped.....

The Dr. gave me the go ahead to start having relations with my Ex Husband again. %26amp; what do you know....8 wks later...I find I am pregnant again. OMG!....I did EVERYTHING to try to keep this child....but, I lost YET another one at 10 wks. I have had to go to counseling, went to support groups %26amp; went into my own self...I felt like such a failure......

It took another a few months before I would allow my Ex Husband to look at me naked, much less actually touch me...but...soon afterwards...I found out I was pregnant again....I was put into bed %26amp; spent most of the time in the Hospital at the High Risk Pregnancy Center....BUT 9 mo's son, who is now 8.....came screaming into this world on Feb. 7,1998......he was weighed in at 7lbs 4 ozs....%26amp; was healthy........

When he was 7 mo's old.....I found out I was pregnant again....OMG!.....there again....I was put into bed....stayed off %26amp; on at the HRPC....%26amp; gave birth to a baby girl by emergency C-section...due to the cord wrapping around her throat %26amp; her heart rate dropping.....she was a month early, but she weighed in at 6lbs 2 ozs.....she was born June 14,1999....she is now 7.

I have been through ALOT with my daughter since her birth....she was dianosed with Non Hodgkins Lymphomia when she was 13 mo's old...%26amp; I thought for sure that I was going to have another taken from me....but she is in remission now....

I guess what I am trying to say....alot of people grieve in different ways.....when my Uncle (who was like a Father to me) died...I went out that night %26amp; got drunk....drinking one for him...because that is what him %26amp; I did together....hung out %26amp; drank a few beers...went dancing....

I think the woman who lost her child found some comfort being online with some people who could give her some kind me....we feel like we are in this alone...even though others suffered the loss as well.....I dont for being on fact...I applaud her....she is strong %26amp; will get through this....

All the things that have gone in my life started taking a toll in my Marriage %26amp; I lost a few friends, but now I have 2 beautiful kids...who are my greatest accomplishments......

Yes, life does go on....but there will always be that empty spot...I still grieve for the babies I lost....I grieve for Stephany %26amp; Kalie, but I have Kevin %26amp; Heatherly that I have to live for....

Leave the poor woman alone %26amp; allow her to get through her pain the way she needs too....wether be online....or locked in her room....or whatever makes her not hurt....let her heal....
Reply:I am sorry for your loss and people are just evil sometimes!! I think your suggestions are appropriate and simple enough for anyone with a heart and half a brain to accomplish! Just say SOMETHING even if it is "I don't know what to say...but I am here for you if you need someone to talk to or to just be there for you" rather than saying nothing at all.

At the same time...not everyone handles a miscarriage the same way. Grief is a process that no two people have the same response to. You find comfort through talking about it...some people do not. Some people heal by going through the entire process...some people do not. Regardless, I think the number one thing someone needs to understand is that grief, whichever way you decide to handle it, can not be deemed either a "good way" or a "bad way" of handling it. There is no manual of how to handle grief and no one can judge someone else for the way they choose to handle it.

Also, whenever ANYONE loses ANYBODY people have a tendency to become uncomfortable around them. They think they'll say the wrong thing, they don't know how to react and they just get awkward and uncomfortable around you...that is always my problem. When someone has a miscarriage a huge issue is that many people believe "Well you didn't even KNOW the child, why be so upset?" Again, grief is a unique process. It doesn't matter what the loss is, how significant or insignificant someone else deems it to FEEL the loss and that is what matters.

When I had my first miscarriage my very good friend and I found out we were pregnant at the same time. She was beside herself and felt awkward and awful around me all the time. She never stopped talking to me...but it was just there all the time. I ended up feeling bad for HER for feeling bad for ME and felt terrible that she felt she should have to diminish her own excitement at her child's birth. Whereas, some people WOULD be upset at someone else getting to have their child while you are grieving for a lost child.

Again, everyone handles it differently. There are no universal responses or reactions to a loss of anything important to someone.
Reply:If you don't succeed, try try again!!
Reply:My cousin suffered one too. I didnt really know what to say at first, but when she reached out to me, I just allowed her to talk as much as she needed to, cry as much as she needed to, talk about her connection to the baby as much as she needed to. I accompanied her to her favourite places, and just did as much as I could to comfort her. Supporting someone who's suffered a miscarriage is basically forming a friendship. When friends reach out to friends, everything else comes naturally.
Reply:do tell her that its her destiny to have lost a son. then tell her that its really the painful side of life that you have to endure or pass. but you cant just say that pass. you have to pass that trial that in the end, you will learn a lesson and be a stronger woman in the coming trials.
Reply:I'm so sorry! The cruelty of some people is beyond belief. My heart goes out to you for your loss. A miscarriage is the ripping out of a piece of your heart, along with your dreams and hopes for the future.

When I had mine, I fell in on myself for awhile and saw the world through a blur. I turned to my gods and goddesses at that time. They lent me strength and pulled me together, because I was in no shape to do it myself. My bf of many years was beside himself with grief, and we clung together through it all.

Stay strong for each other. Don't forget to hold each other, tell each other how much you love each other, and do little things for one another.

Those who have not gone through this painful experience do not know the grief and anguish you go through.

It is alright to grieve.It is alright to have fits of anger and depression.

While some people are very cruel, there are those of us who know how you feel and will keep you in our thoughts, prayers and meditations, hoping for your healing.

The pain does not go away. Even after years, it is still there, but it becomes bearable.

Be strong. Blessings to both of you.
Reply:I am sorry for your loss. I am 6 months pregnant. I had friend who suffered a miscarriage earlier this year. It was so depressing b/c she couldn't tell her mother that she was pregnant b/c her mom didn't like her boyfriend. I took her to the hospital and stayed w/her until she was taken to her room in the hospital for the night. The sad thing is our kids would have been a couple of months apart. I didn't want to tell her I was pregnant b/c I thought I was being mean b/c I found out that I was pregnant a couple of months later after she miscarried. You're a strong woman. I talked to friends who had more than one miscarriage and now have 3 kids. You'll be a mother. Your child was a blessing. I wouldn't say anything to that person who posted that b/c some people on here don't have a heart. I asked a question about low income housing and someone made a smart comment and said I should have been on birth control. I deleted the question b/c I thought it was rude. So just overlook ignorant people. Pray and keep the faith. I'm sorry if I said too much I was upset that someone would post a question like that. Well hope this will help, I will keep you in my prayers.
  • rimmel
  • What Do I Do Now To Show Him I'm Sorry???

    About 2 years ago, I took a vacation to Gatlinburg, TN.While there, I went into a specialty glass shop where I found these glass flower vases.They were shaped like iris flowers and were in all different colors.Purple is my favorite color, and this shop had one purple vase.I gladly bought it.I have never put any flowers in it, however, because I think that flowers mask the design of the vase and it looks better without.The vase has been displayed on my coffee table ever since.Earlier today, my boyfriend of 9 months was over with his friend.They were talking in my front room and as he turned to leave my bf's keyring chain brushed the coffee table, knocking my vase to the floor.It shattered completely and I lost it.I screamed at him and when he bent down to help me clean up,I told him to back up, that I would do it %26amp; that I didn't want/need his help.He then left and has since come back, but he won't talk to me.I feel bad now that I got mad, and told him I was sorry.What do I do now??
    What Do I Do Now To Show Him I'm Sorry???
    I recommend that you let him know how much this vase meant to you. And that you didn't mean to lash out on him but you felt hurt because the vase had so much sentimental value to you. Just sincerely apologize and ask what would he have done in your position, and let him know that your feelings overtook your thoughts.
    Reply:not that huge of a deal...people flip out sometimes, just tell him you're sorry and do him or something that makes him happy......

    How to improve this yard at minimal cost, but achieve a dramatic uplift. ?

    Here is the picture.

    My initial thought is having several (5-6) small bush plants ( Maybe Forsythia, I live in southeastern iowa, 5a zone,

    any other suggestion?) lined up at the upper part. Then put mulches underneath.

    Below that we have to buy more of the same jupiter (blue rug jupiter, I guess) to put in those red-mulch area. Then put in more of the same mulch.

    In between those to regions, I am debating whether to have a layer of bricks instead of the black plastic seperating things. Not sure whether that will look good at all.

    At the bottom there are two flower beds on both sides of the stair. I'll prune those invading jupiters to better define the upper line. Flowers came out last spring, along with weeds. I cannot tell what to keep until some flowers bloom. Do I better redo everyting, including the fabric?
    How to improve this yard at minimal cost, but achieve a dramatic uplift. ?
    Forget the fabric. use newspaper instead. It adds organic material to the soil and cost nothing. If you put down several layers, spray a little water over them to hold them in place and then put mulch on top, you will have a nice bed.

    Forsythia tends to get large. Is that what you really want?

    What if you paint the fence? You could paint flowers and a birdhouse, etc along this section and then plant. Or you could simply paint it a color that matches your house and then plant.

    I am from Alabama and am not certain about which plants would do best in your area. Go to a couple of really good nurseries and look around, ask questions and get some ideas. You do not have to purchase anything.

    I know you may have spring fever and want plant, and plant, and plant, but it might be best to wait until the fall. That way you can save the plants you want and the new plants will have the fall to become established.

    Incorrect ly pruning junipers will do more damage than good...perhaps leaving them more an eyesore than an asset.

    But, the best advice I can give you is to take the time to smell the flowers.

    Reply:What a great area! This is just my thoughts. I'd redo the whole area. Totally get rid of the juniper. It's old school. I think another tier in there with brick would be really nice. A couple nice tree's. I love the Japanese maples. Maybe throw in a couple of butterfly bushes. They are easy to deal with. You could even do grass up at the top if you can get a mower up there...then do the trees and some shade plants down below. That would make it look more park like. Have fun. :)

    Why is so hard for guys to show their emotions?

    My boyfriend and i have been together for a year now and we're doing great. We're both at home for summer break from school right now and he's 3 hours away from me. When I talk to him on the phone he always ends our calls with I love you, but when i tell him I miss him he ususally just says.. "I know" or something. Why do guys not respond when girls tell them they miss them or give them compliments? When we are together he takes me out, spends time with me, and buys me flowers and stuff.. but I wish he would just say some things more.
    Why is so hard for guys to show their emotions?
    Well he honestly sounds like a really nice guy so enjoy that! Just know, that a study was done(didn't find this out about guys until I was in my 30's,lol)that shows a male's brain and how there are pathways but they are short, not many are connected to emotions, expressing emotions. They feel what we feel just not able to express it. They can be taught however, but that's a different story!lol Anyways, a female's brain has several pathways, all interconnected, to emotions, feelings, thoughts, expression and therefore, it makes it so much easier for us as women to do that. So I say to people, God gave us the men for several reasons and women, he gave to us for friendship in the ability to listen, talk, feel, and talk some more!!! LOL My hubbie is so happy when I am on the phone yacking to one of my girlfriend's as he just doesn't always "get it", ya know what I mean? So don't try and change him, accept him for who he was and what he does! Enjoy each day!!!
    Reply:Aww thanks for choosing mine as best answer. I am glad it was helpful, that's all I want to do. I hope things are working out well for you guys! You sound like you are making a great foundation..........enjoy! Report It
    Reply:I know speaking from personal experience it is something that we males are just innately born with and are developed by other males in our lives. My wife says that I have to work on this area and I have but it really goes against my normal feelings just because I was was raised to not show emotion and be a man.
    Reply:guys are like this. supressed from there emotions. boys are raised to be tough and not show. what he has said to you be happy he loves you
    Reply:tough guy syndrom... thats why you love us right? because we can be strong and cool in any situation?
    Reply:Lol, How come all Gals seems to complain about this, not All Guys Like Showing Gals dere feelings..Its Just A Normal fing, Da facing da Opposite at the moment, My So Called GF neva seems to tell me what she is finkin or her emotions, But dat didnt Stop me from not showin her what i fink.. With Tyme ur Bf will tell U what he feels about U or show U his emotions.. Just wait for da rite tyme for him to, He sends U flowers N stuff, dat clearly Shows he cares..Dey always say Actions speak betta Than words, SO maybe he is Showin U his emotions thru His actions... Just make sure U dont rush Him...
    Reply:Guys are always afraid of commitments.Dat's y he's always blushing wen u say u miss him.
    Reply:when guys show their emotion it makes guys (besides gays) feel like ******* b/c thts not wut guys do it would make them seem less tough
    Reply:Well, becareful about saying "why is it so hard for guys to..." because that usually indicates that all males are like that. Some guys are like that. Usually the reason ends up being because they don't want to lose their "man power" or they don't want to look like a "sissy boy". Basically, society tells boys to act super strong and invincible. Some boys want to act all "macho".
    Reply:Guys feel that they are Heros (Strong and Fighters)lol sorry guys!! he seems like a great guy to do all that stuff with you. so at least he says i know or something like that and not oh get the **** over it or something you know?
    Reply:haha well im a girl and its hard for me to show my emotions. i cant help it. its just how my mind is built.

    theres not a lot i can do about it
    Reply:I'm in the same situation. Please tell me when you find out. It hurts, doesn't it?
    Reply:It is a programmed response instilled within us as children. Our fathers teach us as children not to cry if we get hurt and to be tough. We are taught that men do not cry........we are taught not to show emotions. We are taught not to show our weaknesses and to not concede in confrontation. All programmed responses similar to teaching a dog to fetch.....after a while it becomes second nature to us and we sometimes forget to let the guard down for the ones we love. Ladies please forgive us......... It is just our programming. Good luck !
    Reply:Because that's not who we are. We miss you but then if we said we did than you'd think we can't live without you
    Reply:Well... when he says "i know" to your I miss you's he means he miss' you too... they say that to keep you in suspense so they know that every time you leave each other there will be a stomach ach of butterflys! don't worry he seems like a great guy and if he says he loves you then honey everything will be ok!

    -hope i could help
    Reply:Because they want 2 seem macho or manly and it kinda makes me think do they even care
    Reply:you should be proud dear atleast HE SHOW YOU THAT HE LOVES YOU.....WHY ARE YOU GONNA BE HAPPY IF HE DO IT OTHER WAY AROUND???
    Reply:The differences between men and women can be summerized by: men are Phisical Beings, and women are emotional beings. That said, men have emotions, and we feel things, but we don't express them per sei. There is a great book about this dillema called " Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" I don't completely agree with the way the author tells you to hadle some things, but it provides a lot of insight.

    I need to know everything about Kurt Cobain.?

    I need to know what Kurt's favorite food,drink,tv show,flower and anything else you might know. i already know when he was born, how old he was when he died,were he was born,his favorite movie and his favorite bands.
    I need to know everything about Kurt Cobain.?
    The best thing I know about Kurt Cobain that I like to share is that he was actually a feminist. In his diaries he writes that the most screwed up thing in our world is that little boys are taught not to cry and how the world would be a much better place if that was not so ---that men and boys should not be afraid of their feminine side like its a bad thing. I was really surprised when I read that. It made me like Kurt Cobain all the more.
    Reply:Try looking on Kurt
    Reply:Sorry sweetie, all I know is he's dead yet.

    Boyz....what do you think it takes to get a girl like me...?

    hint hint..dump the flowers me the bentley...
    Boyz....what do you think it takes to get a girl like me...?
    1. Get over your self. 2 dont be materialistic, it makes you a shallow person.
    Reply:Sounds like you just need cash not a man

    No, I can get an awesome/sexy stripper for under $60.00.
    Reply:A contract at Vivid Video would catch a girl like you! Thanks for the 2 points!
    Reply:a box of wine.
  • makeup artist
  • Need an original (or at least less thought of) way to show my girlfriend how much i love her?

    I dont live with her, too young to get married (in college), already did all of the usual stuff, like flowers, candy, dinners, poems. Ive been with her a year and a half.
    Need an original (or at least less thought of) way to show my girlfriend how much i love her?
    I would talk to her, or if you can't have a friend or one of her friends do it, and ask her what the most romantic thing, or night, of her life would be, and then do it. Down to all the small details. I think that it is less thought of by any guy, and I think that it will win her.
    Reply:u can just send her some of your handwork. u may think that is silly, but girl really appreciate it..

    I want to do something for my gf to show her that i love her does this sound like a good idea?

    my gf and i will be going out for 1 month this wednesday and we are both in high school. i was thinking about leaving her flowers in her first period class so that when she walks in she will see them. does this sound like a good idea? we have known eachother since the begining of the school year and she seems like the type of girl that would like flowers.
    I want to do something for my gf to show her that i love her does this sound like a good idea?
    Well That does sound romantic but maybe u can give her flowers WITH a card that says "see me at (somewhere) at (time)." It's even more romantic and i bet she will love it! Sign it "u know who" or something.
    Reply:No thats all queer...what u should do is put ur D!ck in a box and gift wrap it...then ask her to open it
    Reply:i like what is for the personal are for personal.

    i think school are for student who want to learn for their future while what you will want to decide is something of personal matters.

    i suggest if you want to give her flowers give it in the privacy of there home. in her locker room or any other place but never in the class room where classes are conducted except in Junior senior prom.
    Reply:women love that kinda stuff so go 4 it

    I think that's really cute and sweet!

    I'm sure she'd love it.

    : )

    To be honest, just knowing that you remember the date etc. that you started going out is sweet!
    Reply:i think thats cute. you should also get a pic of both of you together and put it on her locker and maybe write a tiny note and slip it into her locker. tht would be cute/sweet!

    Reply:Don't leave them in class. Why I am saying this is because it would mean a lifetime supply of embarrassment for her. If you really think that it is a good idea to give her flowers , then leave them in her car or at her house.Good luck
    Reply:I would love it if my boyfriend thought of stuff like that! What are youplanning on? Ohh! Fun! Good Luck! Im sure she'll love it!
    Reply:I cannot really say: While flowers are often a romantic choice, they are a bit cliche and uncreative: Perhaps your girlfriend would like a poem and a box of chocolates, maybe your girlfriend is allergic to flowers.
    Reply:Yes, that is a great idea! She'll appreaciate you more for your gesture!
    Reply:Sounds like a good idea to me, write her a nice note to go with it too.

    Reply:yes. thats sounds like a good idea. she'll love it.
    Reply:what i did was leave a small present in every one of her classes with a note that contains part of a poem that i wrote her
    Reply:Well don't put her girt any were near school because some one might ruin it. I would suggest watching juno(don't get her pregnate) just do something like the tic tac sccene like stuff her main box with chocolate and flowers and right out go to your mail box in red ribbon that would be soooooo romantic good luck
    Reply:That's a good idea
    Reply:dont listen to the first answer

    It would be so romantic to her to just remember when you first started dating and get/do something romantic like flowers a nice nacklace or ring or and italian resturaunt

    Hostesses of the bridal shower, do we bring them a hostess gift?

    i didn't know if i should show up with a bottle of wine or some flowers or something?
    Hostesses of the bridal shower, do we bring them a hostess gift?
    i think flowers would be really nice since shes hosting the party!
    Reply:If you are, in fact the bride, then yes, it is customary to take your hostess a gift. Why don't you make her a beautiful basket with a bottle of wine, a scented candle, a music CD, some chocolates sprinkled in...attach a note that says...Thank you for everything! Use these items to relax and enjoy yourself this evening after the deserve it! Love,

    If you are just a guest attending the it is not customary...although it is a wonderful gesture to take a little something for the hostess.

    Reply:If you're the bride then you should bring a gift and a card thanking them for throwing the shower.

    If you're a guest, your not obligated to but you could bring a bottle of wine or some food to share at the party if you wanted to.
    Reply:If you mean the bride bringing it, then yes, that would probably be a nice thing to do, but if you mean each and every guest, then no.
    Reply:Usually you are just supposed to get a gift for the bride.
    Reply:Yes, I would bring something. Maybe flowers that she could display during the shower.
    Reply:Always a nice gesture- if you are the bride to be its an even better idea :0)
    Reply:Ya i would take a bottle of wine, its always a nice gesture.
    Reply:bring them a hostest snack...nevermind...idk.

    How do you show attraction to a woman?

    without excessively buying her things like flowers, or every 2 sec saying I love you?
    How do you show attraction to a woman?
    by looking at her... EYES. and listening to her. holding an intelligent conversation with her
    Reply:Take her to a picnic in the park, with her favorite lunch, desert, and and buy a neclace that splits in 2 that say something like "Love Forever" or "Girl Friend, Boy Friend,"

    Reply:It's like... idk, in the way you look at her. Every time my boyfriend looks at me I get all tingly. His eyes just have this look of such enamorment. Hehe :)

    I bet I sound like I'm ten. Ohhh the magic of love.

    Website for pictures of flowers with their names.?

    I am intresed in having a small garden,but do not know which flowers to go for.Being in California and intrested in flowering plants,i wanned to know if there is a website which shows name of flowers along with the pictures.......
    Website for pictures of flowers with their names.?
    You could try some of the seed retailers online. Most have a "sun" category in the menu.

    Good luck!
    Reply:use Daves Garden
    Reply:I normally use the Agricultural Extension Website here in TX. That one usually can refer me to what I'm looking for. I'm not sure if you've got that option for California, but it's worth a try. Another option would be to try a University website in CA. Most states have a University with a top notch Agricultural program.
  • eye shadow
  • I have a hosta that shows brown spots on the leaves.?

    I have one hosta that has brown spots on the leaves. It started getting spots about a year or so after I planted it. This hosta is very big. It produces flowers every year so the plant seems to be thriving despite the brown spots on the leaves. What is wrong with it?
    I have a hosta that shows brown spots on the leaves.?
    I get brown spots on hosta that are getting too much sun. If you think it could be possible (if it's in the sun) dig it up and move it to a shadier location and see if that ends the problem.

    Slugs eat holes in the leaves, they don't make brown spots. I have hundreds of hosta and can't say I've ever heard about any diseases with brown spots... I think it's simply from burning from too much sun.

    And it would make sense that it flowers and grows, as burning from the sun doesn't hurt the plant, just makes them look bad. As a matter of fact, they grow even faster and bigger in the sun. But they will burn. Giving them lots of water sometimes helps if they're in the sun. I'd move it, and see what happens.
    Reply:hostas can get anthracnose or leaf diseases it is a leaf disease and looks brown. Report It
    Reply:it has cancer
    Reply:Not sure what the brown spots are. Slugs will eat the leaves, but they just leave places on the ends where they eat. The slugs don't hurt the plant.
    Reply:It could be slugs. I've heard that they can do havoc on a hosta. Try putting out a tin pan by it and poor some beer into it and see if you get any. They say they are attracted to the yeast or something in it. But's cheaper to use than the slug bait that you buy in stores. They say they will drown in it?

    What can I get a girl for Valentine?

    I am a 17 years old kid, and I like this girl. We have been good friend for a while now. She doesn't know that I like her. So since it is Valentine day, I want to let her know that I like her but not asking her out or anything. I want to get her something special. Not flowers, stuff animals, or chocolate. Because other guys have given her this already, I isn't original or special anymore. I want to impress her and show her that I really like her. I don't want to scare her off or anything with some thing that is too huge or surprising, but surprises are good but not too much. I want the gift to be special and unique. She like Paul Frank alot so if that any help. Thank you ahead of time.
    What can I get a girl for Valentine?
    Get her a heart keychain
    Reply:try this necklace, it is cute and perfect for valentines day.

    on the other hand if it doesn't work out you can always resell it. try doing that with flowers :)
    Reply:write her a heartfelt poem, nothinng over the top just a little i like u one and then get her a flower(they;re always nice to get even if it is typical). for a gift get her something that everytime u loook at it reminds you of her. you guys are friends so get her something thats relates to a really good time. its sentimental and she;ll love you for remembering. just a thought! good luck!
    Reply:i agree with janna, that necklace is cute and inexpensive but very romantic. she will wear it all the time and think of you
    Reply:What about a sweetheart's message in a bottle?
    Reply:a new jet plane

    How do you do this? please show working out!! thanks?

    An empty flower pot weighs 600g

    The weight of the flower pot increases to 1.9kg when filled with soil.

    calculate the percentage increase in the weight of the flower pot.

    give your answer to one significant figure.

    answer.............% (4 marks)
    How do you do this? please show working out!! thanks?
    First convert the units

    1kg=1000g or 1g=1/1000 kg

    increase in weight of the pot= 1900g-600g=1300g

    %=(change in quantity / original quantity) * 100

    %=(1300/600) * 100

    Reply:convert to like units:


    find difference:


    find porportion of difference to original:


    find percentage by multiplying by 100


    i belive only one significatnt figure means you answer would be 200%
    Reply:First convert the weight so they are of the same measurement. 1,000 grams = 1 kilogram, so 1.9 kilograms = 1,900 grams. So the weight of the pot increased from 600 grams to 1,900 grams, which is an increase of 1,300 grams. Find the percentage of 1,300 out of 600. First reduce the fraction:

    1,300/600 = 13/6

    13/6 * 100 = 216 2/3%

    Answer: 216 2/3% or about 216.667 % increase
    Reply:The empty flower pot weighs 600g and increases 1300g when filled with soil.

    If the empty flower pot weighs 100g increases Xg when filled with soil.

    Reply:The percentage increase



    =200% to 1significant figure.

    What's the Name of That Song On the Ellen Show?

    I think I caught the words "I ain't got nobody to give flowers to....". Does anybody know, she danced to it a lot at the beginning of some episodes.
    What's the Name of That Song On the Ellen Show?
    Bring Me The Horizon - Who Wants Flowers When You're Dead? Nobody ...?????????
    Reply:ain't got no car to take you on a date ? you mean

    When will I have the guts to have both my breasts tattooed with red flowers with green leaves ?

    I have been yearning for them ever since I saw my aunt showing off hers, with low cut and plunging neckline blouse
    When will I have the guts to have both my breasts tattooed with red flowers with green leaves ?
    baby girl.. do it when you are comfortable. I have fairies on my breasts they are big, and mirror images of each other. Just know.. some men will stare. If you are ok with that. Go for it. I feel sexier, and more feminine than ever, I am very happy I did it. Just, please make sure you go to someone who reputable, don't let some dirty person tattoo you in their kitchen.

    I wish you luck! I hope you are happy with result. And don't ever be afraid to be yourself! I you love it for you... do it for you. Don't let anyone else make that decision for you.

    hope it helps!
    Reply:No need, you are already beautiful in your own way. Thousands have grown to regret later on in their life one way or another if they have the tattoo on. Rgds.
    Reply:hmm it depends, because if you work in a professinal space it might limit your wardrobe depending on where on your bust you want it
    Reply:Hopefully, never. They're probably plenty decorative on their own. Why don't you get a small tattoo on some other part of your body and see if that's worth the pain and all. Then, if that's what you want and can afford it, go for it.
    Reply:as a person with a tatoo i must admit i have regretted getting it for almost as long as i had it...remember it is forever and regrets later on the only reward....
    Reply:Nobody knows but you. If you're having to ask the question I would have to say it's not going to be any time soon.
    Reply:My opinion is don't don't do it , the cost is too much ,, later you will be sorry , me and a lot of guys look down on tattoo's
    Reply:Don't do it!!!! when you age your breasts are one of the first things to go downhill, you'll end up with stretched out saggy ones, with stretched out saggy tattoos. They'll be messed up even sooner if you have children.

    Women have to be more selective and careful about where they place tattoos, because their bodies go through so many changes in their lifetime.

    I was considering getting a tattoo around my waist, but decided against it because I'll probably have more children eventually and that would end up one ugly stretched out tattoo. Instead i got one between my hip, and pelvic area(pretty down low) where even if I gain weight it won't stretch much. It s cute and my man thinks it sexy as he**.
    Reply:wouldn't it hert on your breasts get them done somewhere else that you want to show off
    Reply:if you are 18 or older get them done this week. if not then wait till you are 18.

    and just do that, they really aren't that bad. it is more like a hot scratch and it is more annoying than painful. besides after 5 minutes your adrenaline kicks in and it doesn't really feel like much.
    Reply:just get em done , if u want something just do it.... however why are u copying your aunties tatoo?
    shoe deodorant
  • makeup reviews
  • Who else has been watching the Military Channel the past three days?

    Thanks to the wall to wall (read: constant) coverage of the VT shootings, I can no longer get news from a television news outlet. In fact, I really can't get anything else at all from the news outlets, because some "angle" has yet to be uncovered. Yes, of course, the VT shooting was sad, but do I need to hear about it all day, everyday? Does the Today Show really need to be on the VT campus, rounding up as many Va Tech students as possible to interview (they're shocked and horrified by the shootings, what a shock! Excellent reporting NBC)? Has the world stopped because some kid with a high school grudge decided to shoot up VT? Have the Iraqis started throwing flowers at our soldiers yet (not that you'd hear about it since Matt Lauer needs to find another VT student to interview or some other shrill needs to tell us how tragic this was (no kidding it was tragic, we don't need you to repeat it every 10 seconds). Why can't these people grieve without the news harping on them?
    Who else has been watching the Military Channel the past three days?
    Yes, the military channel, Discovery, National Georgraphic and the Science Channel.

    A break from VT would be okay by me.

    Will someone make me an outfit for the first day of school?

    I am 11, so nothing too grown-uppy. I like to shop at JC Penny's, and sometimes at Gap. I'm into jeans that have designs on them, you know, like rhinestones, and flowers, stuff like that. I like Arizona brand stuff at JC Penny's and I like mary-janes or dressy, but casual shoes like that. Payless would be good. The shirt, maybe a tunic from Knit Werks that won't show off a bra like a lot of JC Penny's clothes do, but Knit Werks rarely does... thanks to people who help me!
    Will someone make me an outfit for the first day of school?
    I found some cute KnitWorks tops that could go really well with jeans : Click on these to see them.

    Here's a few pairs of jeans that would go with the top %26amp; some skirts:

    I found these shoes from Payless:

    Hope there's something you like.

    : )
    Reply:black shoes, black jeans, black shirt, dye your hair black and wear black mascara, paint your nails no dont do that unless you want to be made fun of....just wear what you would on a normal day, people dont care what you wear, like no one will remember what you wore to the first day of school
    Reply:The clothes at Gap are cute, You will look chic on skirt too.
    Reply:let's see...

    top:try a short or 3/4 sleeve henley like this

    leave a couple unbuttoned and add a cami liek this in the white

    jeans: i liek these:


    and if you want, adda necklace/bracelet

    ............there you go young lady, hope you have a good first day of school:-)
    Reply:nothing to dressy, prob just cute jeans and a t

    Do females really like it when they get flowers from guys?

    for the past week ive been really missin ma ex... think about her n remember how happy i was being w/ her and we just started talkin again today and well i kinda want to send her flowers since i live n AZ and she lives in CA but im not sure because we have become more like friends/lovers... we talk more like friends over the phone but act more like lovers when im over there..... but yea keeping to my question should i get her those flowers to show her that i still love her..
    Do females really like it when they get flowers from guys?
    yes....being that far away, it will be a sign of your affection for her. girls love to get flowers - especially at work (if you can do that).
    Reply:I've always loved getting flowers and I rarely get them. When I was with my ex husband we were together for 9.5 years and I think I got flowers twice.

    Here's my suggestion to you - don't do roses. That's not to say you shouldn't have roses in an arrangement, but my personal opinion is to have a fresh arrangement with different types of flowers. Something like that pops and stands out. Roses are nice but very over done. Make sure they put some Gerber Daisies in there. They're pretty and last for a long time. :-)
    Reply:yes they do.even if you are not serious with them it is a very nice can brighten up someones day.there is this thing called edible is like a flower arrangement but made with fruit.she is very lucky to have someone that cares for her even though you are not an item.

    Why girls are compared to Fish, moon, flower, soft air, cool, pea-cocks, soft, etc.,etc.,?

    it is routine affair from poet to writer comparing the girls to a soft natures and leaving the boys alone without any comparison. why they praise the girl and why they leave boys? When boys are also soft, helping natures etc., no one giving weight. why? if i stress this among my friends they say .. the boys are also compared to Lion, fox, tiger, bear etc., it shows me that the girls are very soft and the boys are compared to wild animals..why this?
    Why girls are compared to Fish, moon, flower, soft air, cool, pea-cocks, soft, etc.,etc.,?
    All of us are impressed by our mother (GIRL)%26amp; what ever she dose will be correct is set in our mind. Like wise she treats us all with love %26amp; affection. We always expect girls to be like our mother.

    A girl is caring %26amp; soft by nature, she will bend to the situation accordingly like a fish, she handle things very softly, she talks too cool, she looks cute like a peacock so it is not wrong in comparing the above with girls
    Reply:The male wants to dominate, the female wants to be dominated. Hey, don't blame me, blame Freud!
    Reply:girl are suppose to be soft.. and a man she be a lion not a flower..
    shoe care product

    How can I treat a 7 yr old plant that has new brown spots on its large leaves (Non-flowering, thick trunk)?

    I don't know the name of the plant, but another person (Brunette) asked a similar question on this site 7 mo's ago, and the description of her plant most closely resembles mine. It can grow very large and tall, has large dark green leaves that have light green lines on them. My plant has been very healthy and I've done nothing different that I'm aware of. It gets medium sunshine and water once a week. First time I'm noticing spots, which are brown, and appear as burned areas. They began showing up on the lower leaves first, and are now moving up the plant to the higher leaves. My plant is about 3 feet tall. Is this a soil issue? I recently did add some potting soil to all my plants. I've seen quite a few questions about brown or black spots on different varieties of plants. Is it the same sickness affecting all of them? Does anyone know how to treat and save the affected plants?
    How can I treat a 7 yr old plant that has new brown spots on its large leaves (Non-flowering, thick trunk)?
    It sounds like you have a Dracena Grandiflora or Dracena Marginata. If you click on the link below, it will take you to a site that shows different Dracena's with brown spots. Brown spots can be caused by various problems so compare your plant with the images and click on the image that resembles your plant/problem. It will help you diagnose the problem with remedies. It may take a bit of research, but hope it helps.;q=...
  • skin
  • Flower on meerkat manor farewells?

    well i was watching the meerkat manor thing when she died. i can't stop crying after 24 hours. when ever the thought of her pops into my head i get sad and cry. i am only 13 and when my uncle and great grandma died i never even cried. but now i am sobbing for an animal from a tv show. this is not a question but if is for all those people that want to say by to her and talk about how they feel.
    Flower on meerkat manor farewells?
    I am the same way. I can't even watch that episode anymore.

    My aunt's friend is one of the researchers. Ask me anything about the show or what's going on today.

    From humble beginnings, Flower made one of the most successful groups in the Kalahari. She was born in 2000 as a small pup. She was young and inexperienced, but she quickly learned the ropes on the Kalahari. In 2002, she took over the Whiskers. Flower ruled the Whiskers since. Flower was no girly- girl. She was a great leader who ruled with a iron paw. She was not afraid of a challenge, and she knew the right decisions from the wrong. She made sure her rivals knew her name and feared it. In January or February, her life was tragically cut short. She was bite on the head by a deadly Cape Cobra trying to defend her pups. She died 48 hours after this tragic event. When she died, she left her family saddened. The Whiskers will never be the same.

    Flower was a great leader and a noble mother. From chasing of rival groups and feeding her pups, she showed us that she was definitely showed us that she deserved her name: “The Kalahari’s Favorite Rose”. Her memories will never be forgotten. May she forage in heaven forever with her family and pups that left before her

    Good Bye Flower.

    Thanks for the memories and fun.

    No meerkat can ever fill your void in our heart.

    You were definitely the “Iron Lady”.

    I made this about her. I was lucky that i got to meet her and pet her. She was great.
    Reply:death is something people need to some to terms with - that why you have pet dogs or cats

    What is the best gift for the woman of your dreams?

    I love my girl deeply. I've reached a point where I've shown ALL of my love for her emotionally. Now its time for me to prove to her how much I really do love her (with something).

    Could it be something as simple as flowers? what do you think?

    We've only been dating for three months lol. I know. But for those of you who have fallen for someone quickly, and deeply, know very well what im talking about.
    What is the best gift for the woman of your dreams?
    Anything from the heart. - really, money doesn't mean much unless it shows how hard you had to work for it.

    Perhaps you could give her something that means a lot to you, and tell her to take good care of it.

    You should try and write her a poem if you haven't already, don't worry so much about it being the best poem out there, its the thought and effort that she will appreciate.

    You could write her a list of the many reasons you love her, or the wonderful memories you have had with her

    I love the cooking idea that other's have mentioned. You could cook her dinner, or bake her cookies!!

    I personally wouldn't give her flowers since it's overdone, but she may be the type of girl who would love that. (Depends on the girl.) But small random gestures like that, for no reason at all are very nice. The little things add up. Just picking up her favorite candy bar for her or something when you're out goes a long way.

    Things like calling her every night to wish her sweet dreams. If she's sick take care of her.

    Little gestures like kissing the top of her head, or her forehead, or nose, or even taking her hand and kissing her fingers show that you care.

    I strongly suggest you check out this site.

    Good luck.
    Reply:most of the time a woman dosent always want gifts just tell her how u feel and that should be enough dimonds and perls dosent tell someone u love or have feelings for them for a person to belive it u have to say it
    Reply:something personal or diamonds , flowers, chocolates, card, massages, some kind of animal

    mixed cd is cool too

    Better yet make it an experience, she will never forget that, do something together that makes her happy and you 2 will remember forever

    Always make it something unique and memorable, even a little thing
    Reply:I personally believe that it's the little things that mean the most. Flowers, cards, corny mixed cds, etc. If your girl is as special as you say she is, materialist shouldn't be that important. It's your thoughtfulness that she should appreciate.
    Reply:You don't have to go all out. You don't have to spend a lot of money on something expensive.

    If you love the girl, the perfect gift idea will come to you. Think about what you know about her, what you two do together, and her reactions to things. If she loves flowers, buy her some flowers. If she loves cake, bake her a special cake. Hell, if she loves filet mignon, go cook her up some of that.

    Whatever you do, she'll appreciate it. Just let her know you're doing it because you love her, not because you expect anything in return.


    Can someone tell me the tone of this poem?

    The Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Call the roller of big cigars,

    The muscular one, and bid him whip

    In kitchen cups concupiscent curds.

    Let the wenches dawdle in such dress

    As they are used to wear, and let the boys

    Bring flowers in last month's newspapers.

    Let be be finale of seem.

    The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream.

    Take from the dresser of deal,

    Lacking the three glass knobs, that sheet

    On which she embroidered fantails once

    And spread it so as to cover her face.

    If her horny feet protrude, they come

    To show how cold she is, and dumb.

    Let the lamp affix its beam.

    The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream.

    1) solemn

    2) playful


    4) happy
    Can someone tell me the tone of this poem?
    I would say it was solemn because solemn means gloomy, and the poem is certainly gloomy and cold.
    Reply:Sounds more like a playful poem to me, smearing things on each others faces and all.
    Reply:Its mood is pretty dark. An emperor of ice cream would only retain his title as long as the ice cream lasted -- which, whether it was eaten or simply melted, wouldn't be very long. I think this poem is MOURNING the all too quick passage of time.
    Reply:solemn, the poet semms to have a pesimistic veiw of life
    shoe buckles

    Is it tacky to have a wedding with no bridesmaids and groomsmen?

    My fiance and I chose close family and friends to be our bridesmaids and groomsmen but we realized that some of them are unrealiable and we dont want the headache of wondering if everyone will get their wedding attire and if everyone will show up on time. I know my maid of honor and his best man will so we are thinking about having a matron of honor,best man, flower girl and ring bearer for our wedding party. Everyone else will just be invited to attend.
    Is it tacky to have a wedding with no bridesmaids and groomsmen?
    No, that's not tacky at all. A wedding isn't about being fashionable, it's about joining two people who love each other together. Unfortunately, weddings are so stressful on the happy couple that the marriage starts to crack before it can even start. You and your fiance are wise to follow the KISS (Keep It Simple, Sweetie) principle.

    My husband and I kept it simple when we married. We tied the knot in the house we were renting from my uncle and our wedding party consisted of the maid of honor (my cousin), the best man (my brother), the flower girl (another cousin) and the preacher performing the ceremony (my father). My cousin made the wedding cake, my aunt decorated, my mother and grandmother coordinated the wedding, two of my uncles provided the music, took video and still pictures. It was memorable and beautiful. Now, five years later, I can look back on it and say that I honestly didn't have much stress.

    Best of luck to you and your fiance! May your marriage be happy and last all of your lives.
    Reply:It's not tacky but if you hav already asked people, you cant un-ask them. That is tacky. That will hurt peoples feelings and may even burn a bridge or two. If you just have to suck it up and deal with it. Its your day, dont let things like that ruin it!
    Reply:I teach wedding etiquette for wedding workshops. It is actually becoming more and more common for couples to eliminate a wedding party from their wedding. Many more couples are choosing a maid of honor and best man, possibly a flower girl and ring bearer. There are even some couples that have chosen not to offend anyone and have no attendants. Always remember, this is your wedding and it needs to be your way. Good luck!
    Reply:Smart move. It's your wedding, so you get to make the rules. You can have a beautiful ceremony without a lot of people involved. If you continue to make these types of well thought out decisions throughout your marriage, you should have a long and happy relationship.

    Good luck to both of you.
    Reply:It's not tacky to have just 2 attendants, but it's really really tacky to uninvite someone to be an attendant once you've already asked.
    Reply:No. It's your day, make it whatever you wish.

    Just inform your guests there is a change of plans, and thank them for their gesture of support.
    Reply:If you've already invited these people to stand up with you, you shouldn't un-invite them - not only is it tacky, but extremely rude. Otherwise, you can have as many or as few as you want.
    Reply:No, this is not tacky. You need to have the maid/matron of honor and the best man. The flower girl and ring bearer are nice but even they are not strictly necessary as the maid of honor and best man could hold the rings. This is your wedding. You want it to be as stress free as possible. Doing it this way, no one will be offended that they were not a brides maid or in the grooms entourage.

    It is your big day. You can have it anyway you want it.
    Reply:That sounds great to me! Mine will be like that, and I have been to several others like that. They were all small, simple affairs held outside, none in a church.

    But you say you already chose a wedding party. Does this mean that you have already asked those people to be in the wedding? If you have already asked them and they have accepted, you will have a lot of hurt and angry friends on your hands.
    Reply:I think it's just fine...I'm only planning on having the closest and most reliable of my friends be in my wedding. Go for it. It's your day, not theirs.
    Reply:Sounds ok by me, the only problem is that you might have to explain to the people who WOULD have been bridesmaids and groomsmen WHY you didn't need them, which might be a bit akward, especially if anyone's really annoyed and/or doesn't like the truth about their lack of timeliness. Personally, I don't want MOST of my family at my wedding, much less involved!

    Congratulations and good luck!
    Reply:As long as you didn't already ask them, I don't see a problem. It's your wedding.

    If you've already asked these people and then decided you don't want them, you may have some trouble extricating yourself.

    What kind of wave analysis is it?

    I have seen some image of analyzing vibration for sound wave, which will form a polygon with 7 corners, just like a flower shape on some engineer's tools, rather than a sine wave. If any of amplitude, frequency, ... adjust, then number of corners will change. Do you have any idea on those analysis? why does the vibration show a polygon with 7 corners? How do the number of corners being interpreted in term of vibration?

    Does anyone have any suggestions

    Thank you very much

    What kind of wave analysis is it?
    I do not believe there are any interferometric devices that display a heptagon.









  • acne scars treatment
  • Can anyone recommend a good wedding florist in or around Columbus, OH?

    I'm on a tight budget, but don't want my flowers to show that. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am at my wits end!
    Can anyone recommend a good wedding florist in or around Columbus, OH?
    I live in cleveland. and even to have a friend of the family do my flowers it is expensive. I have opted to do hand tied rose bouquets on my own. I am lucky because my wonderful grandmother and my mom are very crafty and will be there to help me. i am not doing flowers for the ceremony site, and i am not doing flowers for the reception, so it is keeping me at about 200 dollars or so to buy about 200 roses wholesale. I have 5 bridesmaids and groomsmen, so i will be making the bouts. and the corsages as well. It is saving me about 800.00 dollars.

    This may be the way you ought to go, depending on your situation. here is a photo of what i am hoping to have:
    Reply:Sounds so cheesy, have you heard of Christopher, Tofu

    candies and confections. He matches all the decorations

    on wedding cookies, cakes, even mashed potatoes with

    the floral items. You could say some people talk about

    have you discovered Christopher Columbus in decorators.
    Reply:i went to these big florist places in chillicothe ohio and pick out what i wanted and the cost was so high, i thought i would have to find cheaper looking stuff... well i went to krogers, yes the grocery store krogers and got the same things i picked out in the other store for way cheaper.. so maybe you should try there.

    I have a blue top and a light blue wrap skirt. What color shows go with this for spring/summer?

    There are tiny blue flowers on the skirt and a little bit of white as well.
    I have a blue top and a light blue wrap skirt. What color shows go with this for spring/summer?
    Reply:Pink nice hawaai flip flops, a big beaded pearl necklace, a scarf[optional],bracelet n a cool pair o' sunglasses..
    Reply:id say the blue top, because royal blue has been all over the malls for speing, as well as navy, orange,coral, celery green, and brown.
    shoe lasts

    Is it true that all people show love in a different way?

    sum people say their bfs call them alot and buy them flowers etc, but none of my bfs have ever done that and it used to upset me a bit but then i thought what if it isnt their thing? maybe theyre showing their love in a different my current bf doesnt phone me AT ALL but we manage to see eachother almost everyday and he makes time for me!! does it mean they dont care if they arnt buying you flowers and write poems like people have told me/?
    Is it true that all people show love in a different way?
    money doesnt buy love! like yea, it doesnt mean anything. who cares
    Reply:YES, all people have a different view point on love. All people express their view of love differently. Some people have no idea what love is or how to express it. Some people are in love with someone, like me, and try to express it, if one way does not work they \ I try something different and may find the way that the other person will see it and believe that they really do love them. It is hard to show it and express it to everyone's acceptance. That is why a lot of people get frustrated with love because they are confused about it, me included.
    Reply:yeah that is true...everybodys different. as long as your happy with him thats all that matters
    Reply:Answer to your main Q? is "YES".

    But allow time, you are a person who has very little time to spare between college and job and the studies, so stay focused, enjoy the company in person and be glad about the quality time together.

    Allow time. read my article on related subject and do as you please.


    General Advice to Young People



    This is my general advice to all.

    You sound very young and if you are under 25, then study hard if in school or college, stay and finish it. Or join a school or college, acquire higher education.

    Avoid distraction while studying at home or at school, just concentrate on the thing that you do at the time you are doing.

    Build a carrier, youth comes but once take full advantage of it. Study hard, play some enjoy friendship, and then at age 30 or 40 or 50,-- if still unattached then try the sites like.

    I just found out that Meerkat Manor's Flower died. Did she actually die September 28?

    Or is the show recorded ahead of time (not live)
    I just found out that Meerkat Manor's Flower died. Did she actually die September 28?
    It's prerecorded. R.I.P. Flower. We'll miss U!
    Reply:What? Aww. I can't believe she died. How did it happen?
    Reply:Oh, no, I didn't know. I'm sad that Flower died. :(

    Can two 13 yr olds be the flower girl and ring bearer at a wedding or is that TOO LAME!?

    Ok I know that younger children usually do that but his mom is getting married next June to a wonderful guy she met at her work. I met him too and I APPROVE! Shes only 29 and she's really gorgous, do the math he's only 13. He's my boyfriend and he's really HOT (like his mom). I was thinking I could wear a lavender dress and he could wear a matching lavender tux with short pants cause his legs are soooo sexy and he should show the world what a cute boy he is. Anyway is that really too lame for 13 year olds?
    Can two 13 yr olds be the flower girl and ring bearer at a wedding or is that TOO LAME!?
    Becky, may I give you an advice? Though I might be wrong, as I don't live in US and I don't really know all your customs... I read the additional details you posted. You wrote there you would ask his mother nicely. I don't think you should ask her at all, I think it is up to her to ask anything if she wants to. Of course, if she starts such a conversation, you can tell her your suggestions, but I don't think you should start or ask anything, because if she had some other plans, you could create an uncomfortable situation for her and maybe for you, too. Anyway, I think your support to that lady is very nice and I believe THAT is the thing you should talk to her about. I am sure she would be glad to hear it. So, give her support and tell her (if you haven't done such a thing already) how happy and exciting you are because of her wedding. Besides, she might mention something about your role at her wedding at that occasion :)

    P.S. Don't be surprised or disappointed if she doesn't mention anything at all, there is still plenty of time until June and she obviously doesn't rush, which is actually a wise thing to do. Be patient, you will come to this sooner or later :)
    Reply:that's like having preteens celebrate their birthdays at chuckie-cheese's
    Reply:no it's not lame but for the love of god don't put the boy in a purple tux. that would just be scary.
    Reply:I think it's a great idea. My dad is a retired minister and had to deal with little kids because people thought it was so "cute." Resulting in the flower girl peeing up in the chancel, one of them throwing up or one of them passing out. Dressing up wee little kids for a ceremony--especially in hot weather--just isn't the best idea anybody ever came up with.
    Reply:he should be a grooms man and you a bridesmaid and he can take the rings with him but a flower girl needs to be younger.
    Reply:I think it is a WONDERFUL idea. This way, they are both old enough to walk by themselves and will look so cute together. I had 2 and 3 year olds for mine, they were cute at first, but when the flower girl threw her basket down in the middle of the isle, and started screaming, I didn't think that was cute at all. I think you made a wise decision and will never regret it! Good Luck!
    Reply:Yeah Kinda,

    But he could give his mom away, thats super Hot and Kewl

    You could just be a Brides maid and walk solo

    Behind them.

    You would stand out and its still respectfull

    Suggest this to his mom and see what she says.

    After all its NOT your Day its Her Day

    Its all up to her.

    So please try not to make Chaos, hust do things her way and let her have all the Ideas, and agree with all of her choices.

    That will make her love you and make her happy

    and seeing her happy and loving you will make your boyfriend


    And that will deffinately make you happy
    Reply:General concenses has the boy not wearing lavendar or shorts, having you and the young stud called junior bridesmaid and junior groomsman, and some serious advise not to try to inject your intentions in his mom's wedding.

    Best advise is to suggest to his mom that you and her son would be willing to be part of the wedding. After the wedding, you and your boyfriend can dance up a storm at the reception and have all the old people tell you how cute you two looked in the ceremony. Then, later, if you and your boyfriend can find a private place away from all the people at the reception, you could compare notes on how many dances you had to do with the old people and how many kisses you had to give because they complimented on how cute you two were together. And then, if you are really serious about seeing your 13 year old boyfriend in lavendar, surprise him with a gift he won't be able to refuse, a pair of lavendar silk boxers and the offer to help him put them on. And don't forget the 3-pack of Trojans.
    Reply:do what makes you happy
    Reply:UMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm... please no lavender boy shorts.. That could ruin that boy's life forever. 13 is kinda too old to be a flower girl or ring bearer. Junior bridesmaid or junior groomsman.

    Ok your boyfriends mom or your momis getting married and you have decided to be flower girl and he is going to be ring bearer

    whose idea was this.

    if it was potential flower girl, noooo not your wedding.

    If it is the mom who is getting married what if they break up next week or year. Really its a bit cutesy.
    Reply:my flower girl was 15 years old, since I had no young friends or relatives, she said she would. If its an adult reception, its a good idea to try and limit the young children anyway
    Reply:Hey if the Bride and Groom go for ,go for it
    Reply:It is kind of corny.
    Reply:I would say if your choice for ring bearer and flower girl are over 5...then do not have ring bearer and flower girl. Have a jr bride and a jr groom. They are pretty much the same thing...except they dress like the Bride/groom and walk down together instead of seperately.

    No offense, but the short pants thing will scar him for life. Just do a regular pants.
    Reply:Okay. I am 27 and getting married in April. I am having my 12 year old cousin be the flower girl and asked her 12 year old twin brother to be ring bearer but he doesn't want to because its only an adult only wedding. i don't' see a problem at all but do not make him wear shorts. i would just have him rent a black tux like the groom and you'll be fine. And enjoy yourself though its her day you and he can act like its yours!
    Reply:Not lame.
    Reply:No, but go traditional with the outfits. It is not your day it is his moms.
    Reply:Ok , its a little corny , but still cute, though i would reserve this for smaller kids.
    Reply:My flower girl was 13. All it really meant was the she wore a different style dress than the bridesmaids and carried a basket of flowers instead of a bouquet.


    RESPECT IT !!!
    Reply:DORKY. There isn't another word for it. You guys would be the laughing stock of that wedding.
    Reply:lavender? come on! surely you can come up with a better 'question' than this......this one is pretty phony.
    Reply:your day u do what makes u happy, don't let any one tell u any different
    Reply:First of all, NO 13 year old boy is going to want to wear lavender. EVER.

    Second, you're TOO OLD! If you want to be in the wedding, you need to be jr. bridesmaid/jr. groomsman.

    Third, it's highly inappropriate for ANYONE to wear SHORTS to a wedding. I don't care how cute YOU think his legs are.

    Besides, isn't this his MOM'S wedding? What right do YOU have to plan ANY of this? This is HER special day. All of the plans are up to HER. Do you even know if SHE LIKES LAVENDER? Because let me tell you something, honey, a lot of people DON'T, even if it is YOUR favorite color. Save the lavender for YOUR wedding if you love it that much.

    You can ask to be in the wedding, but you also need to consider the fact that you're ONLY 13 years old, and tomorrow you may meet some boy that you think is hotter. By the time his mom gets married in June, you may have moved on to a new guy. And then it's gonna be pretty weird for you to be in his mom's wedding, now isn't it?

    You can report me if you want, because I KNOW you're going to think that I'm being mean and unfair. But everything I've said is the truth. And the truth hurts sometimes. And life is NEVER fair.
    Reply:13 is techincally a little old - by that age, you would generally have them as junior bridesmaid/ring bearers. Of course - there is no set rule saying you can't have 13 year old flower girl/ring bearers. My flower girl was my 11 year old baby sister, and while it looked a little different, it was important to me to have her there.
  • makeup base
  • How many people enjoy these poetic pieces?

    Note:Please read whichever you like, so please don't complain about the lentgh! It's optional!

    Hi.I live in Iran and I'm 18.I've translated these Iranian pop songs by myself..This singer's albums were chosen as the best pop music for the best and the most meaningful lyrics and the best melody in the Europe.It's somehow similar to the "believe" album by Cher.If you like to listen to them just e-mail me and I'll send them to you in no time.Cos I'd sent them to 11 Americans and I don't need to attach them again.They all loved them.

    First:(mahboobeye shab)

    when the night steps in the gardens, the flowers cannot breathe

    when the darkness rains (comes down) from the sky, the blooms become sad

    when the darkness doesn't allow the flowers to breathe, the "love flower" stays awake at night

    she (the love flower) doesn't allow the night to have any effects on her, her smell can be felt even at the other side of the gardens

    if (someone) puts the love flower in a vase, and plants thistles all around her

    (even) if (someone) walls up all around her body (existence), (even) if everyone accuses all of her fibers

    (even with all these difficulties) the smell of the love flower makes its way to the beyond of all the stone walls

    (and) the love flower, has a shelter in the heart of the blooms

    at nights when the flowers are sitting in the darkness, and they all have closed their eyes because of the horrer of the night

    (and) when their body trembles becuase of the fear of the darkness, you "lover flower" are the shelter for them

    Second:(yaade man baash)

    you left (me) and your memories have sat down in my mind

    without you I'm the prisoner of the impossible wishes (ambitions)

    you didn't keep me in your memory (you didn't think of me) but, I broke in the memory of you

    I didn't fall in love with anyone but you, (because) you're far from me

    sing with me and think of me, think of me (keep me in your memory) without any excuses

    when the moon is awake, think of me with all your love

    if you be (with me), it is possible to pass the (unfortunate) events

    and) it is possible to learn how to burst into flames, in the fire of your love)

    if you're away (from me), if you're not (with me), (at least) be the breath of my cry

    till the end of the world, forever, keep me in your memory (think of me)

    Third:(Tasavvor kon)

    Imagine.Even if it is hard to imagine.a world where each person is truly fortunate!Imagine a world where money, race, and power have no place!a world where riot police is not the answer to the calls for unity!a world with no nuclear bombs, no artillery, and no bombardments!a world where no child will leave his legs on land mines!Everybody free, totally free! no one in pain, no pain!You wouldn't read in newspapers that whales committed suicide!Imagine a world with no hatred, no gunpowder,no cruelty of arrogant, no fear, no coffin!Imagine a world filled with smile and freedom!full of flowers and kisses! Filled with up-growing improvements!Imagine! Even if it is a crime to imagine so!even if you'd lay down your life on this!Imagine a world where prison does not exist in reality,where all wars of the world are included in ‘The Ceasefire Treaty'!!a world where nobody is ‘The Boss' of the world!people are all equal!Then each person will have an equal share in each single seed of wheat!No border, no boundaries – motherland would mean the entire world!imagine you could be the interpretation of this dream!

    Forth:(Booseye Baad)(club mix)

    The kiss of the autumnal wind whispers to the lonely leaf unmercifully that you'll be the victim of the autumn

    The new green leaf loses its green color, it drowns in the kisses of the wind and the horror of the new days

    It (the leaf) abandons the tree and wanders around in the alley (becomes homeless), an alley that is the reminder of the gone and futile days

    It (the leaf) sits down in the corner of the alley, stares up at the sky, thinks of the past, and feels pity for it (with sadness)

    (It thinks of) the days that the alley was under my body's shade, and the kind lover tree, loved the smell of my breath so much

    My share of the wind's kiss, what can I say oh my gosh, was all getting yellow-colored and faded, and dying and being forgotten


    When at sunset, the rain hits the (window) glass

    All the sadness in the world is in my chest

    In the rain drops, my choked voice breaks (intrupts)

    I don't want anything but a window anymore

    I sit down behind this window and sing

    I wait for your arrival under the rain

    Under the rain, waiting for you is very different

    Sounds like I love you more when it rains

    Sometimes when you come, you put your head on my shoulder

    You take all the sadness away from my heart

    But this is only a dream, a dream behind the window (glass)

    When I'm awake, sadness sits down in my throat again (I become sad again)


    Defrost my frozen tears, open up your heart

    Hear the voice of my heart, what have I done to your heart?

    I wish in the last moment, you could read the love in my eyes

    Your heart didn't hear my voice, you left (me) and stayed with a stranger

    If someday I tell you this story that I've got used to you

    My heart's lucked up in the prison of friendship, in your heart

    If one night, I get to the truth, I'll become the lover God

    (And) I'll say my secret to the star of the western sea


    Hey actor, don't cry.We're all like each other

    When we get up in the morning, we cover our face with a mask

    Someone becomes a teacher and someone becomes a homeless

    Someone becomes a song-writer, someone becomes a song-seller

    The old life's mask is on our faces till night

    The tears behind the mask are soundless as usual

    Whoever you are, come out of the back of your mask

    Don't talk about that fate, free yourself of the night's illusion

    Draw the shape of an outlet on the cage's bars

    For just once (in your life), breathe in place of yourself (It means don't pretend that you're someone else)

    I wish it was possible for us to be ourselves (Not to disguise who we are) and that'd be enough

    Even if it's as brief as a short glance or a breath

    Until when (should we allow) our mask to talk in place of us?

    Until when (staying) silence will be my roll in this show (life)

    I want to sing this very song on the floor show so loudly

    (I want to) tear my mask and cry out loud as if I'm myself (Not my mask)


    The figure in the photo which is in the album is wet

    I kissed your memory again, I've asked myself this unanswerable question thousands of times so far:

    What makes the songs lifelike?

    Its pulse is the throat of yesterday (It means my throat could produce a better voice in the past, so my songs were liflike)

    I know that without you, my tomorrow will be the same grey color as yesterday's (grey color)

    I'm thirsty like the sun and more landless than the wind, more immediate than the song, outspoken like a loud cry

    I'm lonelier than silence, brighter than the star, I love more than ever, sing with me again

    I open the eyelids of the window, there are murmers of the moon light in the lane

    All the windows are silent, sounds like (everyone in) this deserted lane is asleep

    I call out your name aloud noiselessly, my crying closes the window

    Once again, the invisible hands of night closes the eyelids of my window

    sorry, if it was too long.And also sorry for the gramatical mistakes.The rest of them are as beautiful as these, but I haven't translated them yet.
    How many people enjoy these poetic pieces?
    I think they are lovely. I especially enjoyed the first one.
    Reply:I read them all, I liked them all.........keep up with translations

    How can you support hospital patients?

    I'd like people who have actually been hospitalized to answer this one. A co-worker was in a terrible car accident and is hospitalized. I'm not a close enough friend to visit, they won't accept flowers in the ICU, she doesn't have a family I can bring a dinner can I show concern? Is there anything thoughtful that I could do?

    Someone from the office is in touch with her sister and mom and dad. But I wondered if there were anything else we could do to show our concern. Thanks.
    How can you support hospital patients?
    Some years ago, I was in a bad car accident and was hospitalised for two weeks, then had 10 weeks of recovery and rehabilitation at home.

    While I was in hospital, friends and family were great visiting me and bringing terrific things (the survivor basket idea gets a thumbs up from me, too!).

    But what I found was that after I left hospital, not so many people visited or called any more. It was like, well you're out of danger, get over it.

    If you think all is being done that can be at this time, why not wait a few weeks, then contact the family and ask how your colleague is getting on during the recovery period?

    She may be very thankful for a cheerful bouquet or a well wishing card or visit at that time, to lift her spirits through what can be a lengthy and difficult time.

    Cheers :-)
    Reply:I will say ,if u eally want to help,stay with her and take care of her.. becoz money,flowers etc.. wont cure..only a genuine love will cure her..
    Reply:I work at a hospital, and agree about the "survivor basket" with magazines and so forth. If she isn't well enough to read or do a puzzle, then her visitors will benefit from it.
    Reply:a survival basket............ candy,magazines, puzzles,happy notes,use your imagination
    Reply:Does your friend live at home or on her own? If she's on her own, help her when she comes home - doing dishes, washing, cleaning, etc. But if she's living at home with mom and dad, I guess the best thing is the gift box. Just let her know you'll be there for her.
    Reply:get dem a cane!!! get it!!! support!! cane!!!
    Reply:Send a card for now. When she is out of the ICU, you could send flowers and maybe send some food over once she is recovering at home.

    What do i do for girlfriend for valentines day?

    (i'm using my sisters name on yahoo)

    i'm 17 years old, i've been doing out with my girlfriend for 3 months and i'm going to suprise her at her friends house today with her favorite flowers (daffodils) but i'm not sure what else i can do. she's mad at me from yesterday, but I did it on purpose so the shock of today wih flowers etc. would make it that much better!

    what can I do besides show up with flowers today? any suggestions welcome
    What do i do for girlfriend for valentines day?
    i know what your going threw right now!!!! me to she mad at me ...from yesterday...that's what I'm about to do..surprise her with flowers..candy, teddy bear...edible

    and glass high heels so she can be my stripper tonight...lmao...right on the or coffee "let's get it" sexy and some red and white...candles burning in the me!!! night to remeber...oh don't forget the wine...i usly get the cheap it kick's in
    Reply:get her a better nah im just kidding...what you should do is take her to a cafe or Lounge and talk about what you guys been thru for the past 3 months...."Memory is key in a serious relationship"
    Reply:u can do something interesting like cook for her:) or take her to some interesting place where u can be apologize!
    Reply:What's her favorite type of chocolate/candy?

    Chocolates or caramels would be good.

    Maybe a small cute little stuffed animal or something???

    I got gypped ??!!!?

    I entered this contest to win a weekend in London and tickets to see Fulham FC.

    So yesterday I get this call on my cell phone and the guy tells me I won and can go with the person of my choice ! Aye, I'm no dope. I chose to go with Julia Roberts. Who wouldn't ?

    Next thing I know the guy gets all flustered and tells me....

    That there is a misunderstanding on MY part

    That they will provide accommodations for two but...

    That I can not CHOSE to go with Julia Roberts

    Anyway, to make a long story short....

    Now the lawyers are involved

    The trip is on hold

    and Julia's afraid we may miss the flower show !
    I got gypped ??!!!?
    not sure what gypped is but sounds painful - best tell Julia the flower show is in Chelsea....
    Reply:HAHA you got gypped!!

    hehe I would have chose Chris Brown. But thats just me!!

    CHRIS BROWN IS FINE!!!!!!!!!!!

    Reply:Ask you parents why you are gypped everyday and stop "gypping" us everyday. XOXO
    Reply:sue 'em rockabilly. i am with you. lol.
    Reply:how unfair

    I have posted this one a few times. It is finally going in a book. Is this a good story?


    Hi, I’m, a little green vine,

    I want to find, a fence to climb,

    I want to grow, twelve feet long,

    Careful not to touch the lawn,

    Spring, Seeds, the start of me,

    I think I’ll go, climb that tree,

    On my tips, buds will grow,

    I'll put on a flower show,

    Here she comes, water can,

    Sunshine Lady’s, garden plan,

    She likes me, her little green vine,

    I dance in the wind in the summertime,

    Hi…I’m…a little green vine,

    Twisting, running trailing kind,

    Black Eyed Susan and Sweet Pea,

    They cannot keep up with me,

    Watermelon’s big and slow,

    Pumpkin vine has time to go,

    And the Morning Glory’s blue,

    Can’t grow as fast as you-know-who,

    So…I’m…off to climb,

    A trestle or a bench this time,

    She likes me, her little green vine,

    I’m here and there and all entwined,
    I have posted this one a few times. It is finally going in a book. Is this a good story?
    you cant imagine how much

    i absolutely love it!
    Reply:Those who can find a first person view of a vine's life interesting, will think this is a great poem.

    I for one enjoyed your rhyming scheme. I am sure children would love to read this, and have it read to them. I don't really know how you did it, but this rhyme reads as if written by a little kid - who thinks himself a vine. That's pretty startling.
    Reply:Wow that was done beautifully!! I loved the rhyming and the flow, it was like sing-song and it didn't mess up at any part and start to sound different!! really awesome job!

    I'm glad I had a chance to read it=)
    Reply:oh!!yeah children will love reading this at school...and how they will imagine the looks of you...perhaps if you really have some good illustrators that will go with this...truly i will buy your book....just to let the children hear...and let the children imagine...your the best.....good luck....
    Reply:This is quite interesting. I kept thinking the lady was going to pull out the green vine because it was a weed. Glad I was wrong.

    Excellent work. We should all go over to poets of and buy your books!

    Reply:I was getting a bit worried there....this little green plant seemed a might too cocky for me....I was expecting to find at the end that his owner simply ripped him down and dug him out. Phew, thank goodness for that.
    Reply:Wild grape or Bitter sweet?

    either way this is delightful!

    think it is more than appropriate to give them a voice. I can visualize a huge glossy accordion book illustrated with lovely bugs and babies and blooms ! good job!
    Reply:"Autumn speckle covered wall"--stunning! A visual flower show that could easily be made into a video, speeding up the time sequence. That video is in my head right now.
    Reply:This has a nice bouncy meter to it. Nice feeling. With the antics of the little green vine - it presents a pleasurable read. ?
    Reply:REPORTED for rhyming

    click click click

    Folks please stay in your houses, this rhyme-vine is dangerous.

    Reply:Ah yes, I remeber this one...The "made up" vine that no real vine can compete with...

    I'm partial to the nature poems. (Ya think?)
    Reply:Lovely as is.

    I thought you might pull a twist and end up with poison Ivy.

    Reply:I thought of Jack's Beanstalk climbing into the sky.
    Reply:I want to buy that book! I have such a brown thumb I can kill silk flowers. Sunshine Lady..wonderful.
    Reply:Yes. This to answer all your questions at once.

    You silly, kind person!
    Reply:Makes for a great Sing-a-Long

    No Vine Will Be Served Before It's Time
    Reply:Hey you ... I DO hope so.
    Reply:I don't know the book, but this vine is good.
    Reply:What kind of a book is it going into?
    my reptiles
  • origins