Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What can I do to show my love for my boyfriend???????

I want G or PG answers

I love him soo much! He brings me flowers when im sick, and leaves roses in my car. He wrote me love notes. He totally outdid Valentines day, he took me to a romantic dinner. We are both 16. and we have been dating 10 1/2 months.
What can I do to show my love for my boyfriend???????
Write him a letter telling him how much you respect him. To men respect means a lot. I did this with my husband and it's the only letter he has ever kept.

Or you can treat him reverse everything take him to a romantic dinner,write love notes, or buy him flowers. Men aren't that different from women he may not get as mushy as you do about it but he'll enjoy the attention.
Reply:Just tell him straight "I love you"
Reply:you can just let him in your pants already and damn he wil love u forever!!
Reply:Just show your affection for him by holding hands, smooching, snuggling in his lap, things that your ok with doing. I'll bet you a million that he knows you love him

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