Last year i planted a gladioulus but.....?
Glads are my favorite I have at least 200 of them around my house. They come back stronger every year. Some are now 6feet tall! Yes they tend to get very top heavy and fall over. Most of mine are in front of a wrought iron fence so i tie them back with some string. You can also get bamboo sticks from a garden center to give them support if you dont have them against a fence.
They should come back this year. But if they dont, they are cheap enough to buy and plant some more. They say to dig up bulbs after 3 to 4 years in the ground as the bulbs multiply and can suffocate themselves. you are supposed to loosen them up anyway. So i dont think you would have disruppted them too badly.
Dont put your tulips in another pot. put them in the ground so you dont have to worry about them
Reply:With the Glads, it depends where you live.Glads are not hardy enough to surive very cold winters...probably zones 3 and up will kill them. If that's where you live, dig them up and replant each spring. As for the falling over, the only way to fix that is tie them to a stake--they are too tall %26amp; heavy to stand alone.
For the tulip, yes, you can re-pot it after the green part has died off (long after the flower is gone). The green is how the plant gets energy to bloom next year.
Reply:If they fall over again you didn't plant them deep enough. Gladioulus bulbs should be planted six to eight inches deep.
Tulips will need to be repotted, and the extra bulbs on them should be divided off of them. You may need a few extra pots for them.
shoe lasts
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