My poor Flower Horn, Napoleon, Hurt his head about a week ago, He hasn't really eaten very much since then and was acting a little strange, He had been swimming with his injured head slightly sticking up out of the water for hours... up untill 2 days ago he started to show some improvement his head has mostly healed and he began to swim around the tank normally again. Still not eating. Then this morning at around 6am I heard a loud thrashing and ran over to the tank my poor fishy was all sliced up.. although I'm not sure from what.. the filter, the power head? But in any case he's swimming funny and seems to be having an awfully hard time breathing. Maybe he's just shook up... I'm not sure if he has an infection, from the first injury perhaps? He doesn't really look sick. Any advice?
Is my Flower Horn Dying?
Awwww, that's so so sad, I'm so sorry this has happend to you and your poor Napoleon (love the name!). I don't know what to tell you. I don't know that there is anything anyone can tell you, other then you have to sit it out and wait. Keep a close eye out for any secondary bacterial infection that might happen from the injuries. I would be sure to keep my water amazingly sparkling, doing small frequent water changes in order to keep the water at the best quality possible. Infections usually occur because of poor water quality. I would also, if you haven't already, get some aquarium salt and add it to your tank according to the instructions. This salt has many healing qualities and can help your fish. Maybe add a little stress coat to the water also. Outside of those 2 things, I would NOT add anything else to the water. IF he contracts a secondary infection from the injuries, go from there, don't do anything if or until that happens. If he seems to be healing ok, then that is a good sign. See if maybe you can entice him to eat something out of his normal food......i.e. frozen brine shrimp or daphnia....blood worms, something like a treat. Even a slice of orange or zuchinni or cucumber might be something that would get him interested in trying. Just try not to "rile him up" and let him relax and heal. Hopefully he'll pull through and be none the worse for wear. It CAN happen. I had an Oscar who injured himself horribly when he shattered his heating element, and he came through with only a couple of scars. As I said, I think the most important thing at this point is making sure that you keep your water quality in excellent condition to help prevent infection.
I hope this helps, or at the very least makes you feel a little better. Best of luck to you and Napoleon. ;o)
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
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