Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Flower on meerkat manor farewells?

well i was watching the meerkat manor thing when she died. i can't stop crying after 24 hours. when ever the thought of her pops into my head i get sad and cry. i am only 13 and when my uncle and great grandma died i never even cried. but now i am sobbing for an animal from a tv show. this is not a question but if is for all those people that want to say by to her and talk about how they feel.
Flower on meerkat manor farewells?
Don't feel bad. I was upset when Shakespeare got snake-bit and terribly sad when Carlos died and he was a stinker. I missed Flower's death, but caught the last minutes of the show and it touched me too. I don't think I'll be watching that episode again. She was such a tough little thing.

And as far as you being only 13.....doesn't have anything to do with it, I'm 44 and it got to me too. I was really surprised how much that show touched me.

You have a good heart, don't lose that.

It is a show about life and death and the realities of being a meerkat in the Kalahari, even if that includes eating offspring and killing your own kind.
Reply:Even my burly ole uncle wept when Flower died. We were all stunned by her death. It hurt. Report It
Reply:I felt terrible when Flower died.I felt bad when Carlos died,too.I think that the people who film "Meerkat Manor" should have intervened and saved Carlos with some antibiotics,and removed the cobra from the den,or given Flower antivenin.I know it would be interfering with nature,but they already are interfering,by catching the meerkats,putting collars on them,and making them unafraid of people.Poor little things,if I could have helped them,I would have,gladly.

Farewell,Flower,you were a great and strong meerkat,a wonderful mother,and a fearless leader.
Reply:I know how you feel. I cried because my pet bird died. maybe you did not know your grandparents well,or did not spend much time with them.

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