Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How do you get a boyfriend to show appreciation when you go above and beyond for him?

A little appreciation never hurt anyone. I drive over 50 miles to suprise him with lunch at work. I write him cards, let him use my car while he is looking for a new one, and I have even planned a very nice picnic where i auctually myself made the food,(this is a big feat because I can't cook.) I would just like to be suprised myself with a handful of flowers or a kiss or something. Every time I say something about it he appoligizes about it and then does it again. What do I do?
How do you get a boyfriend to show appreciation when you go above and beyond for him?
I say dump him. He sounds like a loser. If you're always doing things for him and he never does things for you, forget about him and find someone better.
Reply:Some folks just dont get the hint... even if you slap him upside the head with it!

I wouldnt expect much. I think you will be happier if you accept him "as is". People are a package deal and change only if and when they want to.

If you can accept him as is- great. If you can't give him his walking papers...

Good luck!
Reply:He's inconsiderate %26amp; into himself. Looking for a free ride. You are kidding yourself. Wake up and smell the coffee. (^:^)
Reply:You can't make people appreciate you, they either do or they don't.

This guy that you are doing way to much for, doesn't, and he probably never will. He's using you.

With what you have to offer, it's time you dump this ungrateful creep and find someone who will appreciate your kindness.

There are men out there who will, believe me.
Reply:I've been in your shoes many times....I never took the advice people gave me, I thought I could keep trying and *make* him realize how wonderful I was and how lucky he was to have someone like me. But after several failed relationships I finally took the advice of a friend who said, "give him a chance to miss you." That means, stop surprising him, stop everything you're doing that's "extra." Give it a month, he'll miss you. And for me, it happened. By then though, I came the the conclusion that the guy didn't deserve me. But it could work for you and I wish you luck, as hard as it is, just let go and give him a chance to miss you!!
Reply:good luck, it sounds like this guy is all about himself.
Reply:In FOOTBALL they call it, A REVERSE PLAY. Try it and SEE how he RESPONDS to it...
Reply:Find someone who appreciates you.

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