please help.
i always show up with coffee (she is obsessed)
and send her flowers
out to dinner
i want to do more.
make her crazy.
How do i show my gf that i love her and appreciate her?
MAN CALM DOWN!!!! You have done already tooooooooooo much!!!! If she isn't crazy alredy i'm sorry to tell you that but she is vain!!!! You are a good boyfriend BUT be careful maybe she's gonna think you're boring with all these! You want something new? STOP all these for few days and then make her dinner in a cool (=expensive) restaurant and then return back to your place for a perfect night... Just calm down don't be like that every day because you're gonna drive her really not crazy but phsyco!
Good luck man!
Reply:give her oral sex, then have a night all about her
Reply:you know girls like all that stuff at there proper moments but why dont you stop trying to buy her love and start earning it if you want to drive crazy as you say why not just sit down with her and listen to what she has say and give her a hug and say i luv you most girls would rather have those simple gestures IF YOU TRUELY MEAN THEM then all that other crap and by the wayi've found that taking some time out of my life and accually going out to a wild field and picking raggyass wild flowers means more to a women then all the store bought flowers in the florist reason: you cared
Reply:all that doesnt mean nuthin it just means u got money and u spending it on her it aint nuthin but material things what u do is show her afection by giving her a big bear hug and if she cooks hold her while she cookin and when u watchin tv lay between her legs and on her chest and let her rub ur head but just cuddling will do the trick cuz material things wont
Reply:little things are good. leave her little hand written notes telling you how much you love her.
candles are good.
cook for her one night.
hold her hand in public.
lol let her have the remote every once in a while.
little things that have no big meaning, but would mean everything to her.
Reply:propose to her. dats the best prove that she's the only one in your life. why wait? unless you want some wolves to go after her.
you are such a romantic person, your lady is lucky to have you, she doesn't need you to do anything out of the ordinary for her.
Reply:have a candle light dinner bring her roses and tell her looking her into her eyes how much she means to you and how much you love her..make her feel it in her heart when you look at her..let her see it in your eyes.that you love her and only her..
Reply:take a play that would chek mate her for ur love rather than touching inertly. I hope it wld be quite succesessfull.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
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