Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How can you make candels float on water?

what do you do to a cadle to make it flaot?

i'm havin a party tonight and and i saw on tv the channel TLC the show where she does stuff with flowers and at the party she was organising a party she made the cadels float in the punch bool...JUST WONDERING
How can you make candels float on water?
you melt the bottom of it and stick it in a little piece of wood or you can get a bowl that will float and melt it in their
Reply:they are special floating candles you can get them at walmer or target or yankee candle
Reply:Candles are lighter than water, so they float. The secret is to have a shape that keeps the flame out of the water.
Reply:you don' t have to have special candles. buy some that are wider than they are tall.
Reply:I don't know how to turn a regular candle into a floating one, but they do sell floating candles at stores. They're called "Floating Candles" and they float if put in a bowl of water or in swimming pools.
Reply:Why don't you buy tea candles (the small ones in a little tin)? Those float quite well. Alternatively, flower-shaped candles that have curved-up edges should keep the wax out of the water, give it enough stability and look pretty.
Reply:Putting candles in a punch bowl might not be a good idea - especially since people are going to have their arms near it and getting punch out of it might tip the candles over. Also, you don't want wax getting into the punch. If you want to float candles though, there are candles that are made specifically for that purpose. Also, I've heard of people making little bowls/holders out of styrofoam. It would all depend on how big the candles are too - if they are too heavy not a lot is going to keep them up in the water.
Reply:Candles float on water its just something they do. They shouldnt be long candles though-they should be wide otherwise they will sink.

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